Ми працюємо! Замовлення відправляємо щодня, крім вихідних

Переглядів: 652
Вага: 135
Greek-English dictionary of the New Testament. Греческо-английский словарь Нового Завета
Barclay M Newman, Jr.
Код: 6295
ISBN: 3-438-6008-6
Видавець: UBS
203 стор., тверда обкладинка, 1993 р.
Формат (розміри): 130х192х7
Ціна: 400 грн.
Є в наявності
This dictionary has been designed for use in conjunction with the United Bible Societies′ Greek New Testament. It is distinctive, for rather than listing the various meanings of words on the basis of traditional etymological methods which follow logico-historical principles, the different meanings are arranged according to their usage in the New Testament, so that the more central and frequent meanings are given first and the secondary or peripheral meanings follow. Moreover, the meanings are given in present day English, rather than in accord with traditional ecclesiastical terminology.
Other important features of the dictionary include the following: conciseness, coverage of the total vocabulary contained in both text and apparatus of the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament, the listing and identification of irregular and unusual verb forms both under the primary entry of the verb and in alphabetical order throughout the dictionary, and cross references from all place-names to the maps that are bound with the dictionary.
Other important features of the dictionary include the following: conciseness, coverage of the total vocabulary contained in both text and apparatus of the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament, the listing and identification of irregular and unusual verb forms both under the primary entry of the verb and in alphabetical order throughout the dictionary, and cross references from all place-names to the maps that are bound with the dictionary.
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