Ми працюємо! Замовлення відправляємо щодня, крім вихідних
An abridged history of the R.U.B. An educational resource
S.N. Savinskiy
Код: 15924
Видавець: Смирна
200 стор., м'яка обкладинка, 2013 р.
Ціна: 100 грн.
Є в наявності
This educational resource, translated from Russian to English, is an abridged version of a larger and fuller work entitled "Историяевангельскиххристиан-баптистовУкраины, России, Белоруссии. 1867-1967 гг.", which was published in two parts in 1999 and 2001. This work, "Краткаяисториярусско-украинскогобаптизма", which was published in 1995, also serves as an educational resource for Russian-speaking students in Bible schools and higher-level theological institutions within the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (made up of republics which formerly belonged to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). In this book the life and activities of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Baptists receives fundamental coverage from the 1930′s and 25-year period following World War (1942-1967). It can prove to be useful not only to those who are specifically studying the history of the Eastern tri-Slavic Baptists but also to English-speaking people who are simply interested in the histories of socio-religious phenomena in Russia.
Chapter 1 - Prior to the rise of the Russian-Ukrainian Baptist faith
Chapter 2 - The emergence of the first Russian-Ukrainian evangelical-Baptist congregation
Chapter 3 - The evangelical-Baptist movement during the period of persecution (1882 - 1905)
Chapter 4 - The evangelical-Baptist brotherhood from 1905 to 1917
Chapter 5 - History of the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood following the revolution (The Early Soviet Period)
Chapter 6 - Life of the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood from 1929 to 1942
Chapter 7 - Spiritual awakening and difficulties following the War
Addendum 1 - Brief biographical sketches of significant workers in the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood
Addendum 2 - Former and present names of geographical places
Chapter 1 - Prior to the rise of the Russian-Ukrainian Baptist faith
Chapter 2 - The emergence of the first Russian-Ukrainian evangelical-Baptist congregation
Chapter 3 - The evangelical-Baptist movement during the period of persecution (1882 - 1905)
Chapter 4 - The evangelical-Baptist brotherhood from 1905 to 1917
Chapter 5 - History of the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood following the revolution (The Early Soviet Period)
Chapter 6 - Life of the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood from 1929 to 1942
Chapter 7 - Spiritual awakening and difficulties following the War
Addendum 1 - Brief biographical sketches of significant workers in the evangelical-Baptist brotherhood
Addendum 2 - Former and present names of geographical places
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